Friday, January 18, 2008

RSV Week

UGH! RSV season is here, apparently. I was just gloating to someone that my kids hadn't been sick in a really long time. And, actually, Katelyn and Ashley are still healthy. It's just the babies. Justin picked it up last weekend. I kept him home from church and he's been ridiculous. But still cute. He still thanks us for bottles in the night and asks to cuddle. It's endearing, mostly. I didn't realize it was RSV until Mia picked it up and I took her to the ER last night. A chest x-ray and culture confirmed RSV. She is so pathetic. Her voice is hoarse and she needs me to hold her all the time. Hans slept holding her the rest of the night after I got home from the ER. I think we are lucky it's not worse, but please keep Mia in your prayers for us.

1 comment:

Mrs. Godfrey said...

Good luck Michelle! I know I'm late, but I'll be thinking of you! I hope the end of the RSV comes soon!