Friday, January 18, 2008


I am ridiculously excited that the Conley's are here. Cousins are a wonderful thing, and now my kids get to have some living close by. They all love each other. My kids love Melanie and Jeff and Justin is already bossing Melanie around like she's his mother. She says she only tolerates having a toddler in her house because he's so cute. Her baby is almost 3! My kids ask to see their cousins daily, and so far they have. They moved in to their house in -2 degrees. With their heater just barely turned on. Their house is beautiful and I am working to remember to enjoy what I have, rather than be jealous! They are about 17 minutes away. I want to move to Flying Horse so I am only 5 minutes away. Maybe when Hans strikes Gold.

So, HOORAY FOR COUSINS!!!! (And for Melanie and Jeff too)

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