Sunday, January 20, 2008
The Big Girls
I'm so grateful for the time I get to spend with Katelyn alone every afternoon while Mia and Justin nap. We get close to an hour. We play games, read books, and do a craft. This day we frosted sugar cookies. She LOVES sugar cookies. She can eat.
Ready for Church. Katelyn is a sunbeam now! She loves being in primary with Ashley. I love that they look out for each other. I hope they can always be friends!
I lucked out at the Old Navy 75 percent off clearance sale. I got all of this stuff you see on them for 14 dollars. 7 dollars each girl. That's it! I got Justin's clothes for next year and Mia's. And a few new things for the girls for next winter, as well. Hooray for cheap clothes:)
We went to see a piano yesterday and the guy selling it brought his 10 year old daugher, who brought her American Girl doll. Now Ashley has been playing with hers from Grandma ever since. The outfits each have their own hanger and shoes, etc. She has been really really enjoying it. So, thanks!
She has the most pathetic cry. She lost her voice.
This was before she was too sick. Isn't she a pretty girl?
She now has a crib of her own.
Her very own nursery. I need to paint. But I found a crib set I like. Justin kept freaking out as we were setting it up, saying "my na night." I'm SO glad we have two cribs. The transition wouldn't have gone well. Justin is upset that Mia is wearing his diapers. She is in size 1 and he is in size 3, but they look the same. It was very distressing.
The poor guy has been SO sick. He had RSV followed by some sort of throwing up thing. He is still throwing up. He can still give a winning smile. He loves to sit in Mia's swing and "boing" he says. He got to go on a late night trip to Target last night with Hans for pedialyte. This is his 3rd day of vomiting. We are starving him today in hopes of it getting better finally.
Friday, January 18, 2008
So, HOORAY FOR COUSINS!!!! (And for Melanie and Jeff too)
RSV Week
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Running Songs
Yellow by Coldplay
Just be your Tear by Tim McGraw
Waiting on the world to change by John Mayer
Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne
Joss Stone
I think I'm drowning
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Ashley is 5 1/2
Friday, January 4, 2008
Cute Kids
Mia is also happy to be home. She likes just going nowhere. She is a great baby and back to her happy self. She puts herself to sleep and smiles a lot. She is growing so big. She coos and says "ga" and tries to talk to us. She loves to be held facing out and made her baby bjorn debut fantastically. She likes to face out and wander around with me. She is so cute!
Hans has been crazy busy, as usual since we got back. He goes in before 7 and is home after 8 or goes back in around 8 for the later evening. I'm not sure how he is doing it. I try to be supportive, but I'm not sure how much longer I can take this kind of schedule either. He was supposed to be home at 3 to spend time with us, but didn't come home until 4 and then left at 4:10 to go back in. Crazy crazy! We're starting to forget we have a daddy and husband. He's trying. We are anxious for this stage to pass us quickly.
Back to Life
My post has turned to rambling. Hopefully soon the camera will be figured out and I can post pictures!