Monday, February 11, 2008

Mia is 4 months old

Beautiful Mia is 4 months old!!!

She has such a great smile.

This was taken the day she turned 4 months old.

She learned how to grab toys and suck on them.
I can't believe my baby has turned 4 months old. It has gone by so incredibly fast. She has brought so much joy to our house! The kids affectionately call her mimi and mia maria. They love to carry her around and make her laugh. She's a lucky gal to grow up with adoring siblings. She still is up every two hours to eat, but it shows. She's growing like crazy. I'll know exactly what she weighs on Friday when she gets to go have some shots with Katelyn. She is an amiable baby. She falls asleep on her own in her bassinet, but gets to spend most of the night sleeping between Hans and I in bed. Hooray for a king size bed:) She is content to go with the flow, as I'm sure most 4th children have to be. She is cute!


emily said...

she is adorable. i love the 4-month mark - babies are just so dang cute! i'm glad she's good to you and you are all loving her around.

emily said...

meant to say: "love having her around." close.