April has been filled. I can't believe it's almost over. It has been so crazy windy all month long, but I'm learning that is just spring here in Colorado Springs. It's enough to make me want to cry and move, but I vaguely remember feeling this way last year. And remembering that it passes in May sometime. Hans is on a move to Austin, Texas kick again, but not for 8 years he says. The practice is going well, but not that well to sell it and actually make any sort of money on it. I keep meaning to send the camera to work with him so we can get pictures posted of the office on here. He is in the 6th month now and had his first "recall" patient. Which is very exciting. He says it is way less stressful then it used to be and I feel lucky that he is home by 4 three days of the week. He is enjoying yoga with me and he still plays frisbee on Saturday mornings. He hasn't made it to basketball on tuesday night in awhile, but he think he likes knowing he can go, if he wants to. I spend some portion of my days wondering how I got here. Surrounded by 4 small children in windy Colorado. But I'm happy here and I love my kids. I have been riding my road bike and doing spinning classes at the Y and it's been a nice break from running. I love riding in the Air Force Academy. It's hilly and beautiful. Hans is so great to humor me in being away like this. I played basketball at the Y this past week as well with a bunch of women and it was so great! I remembered how much I like playing team sports. It's been a LONG time since I've played, so I was proud to make a few shots. I'm excited to play again. I'm reading lots of books. I spend a lot of time trying to get outside. We go to the park and for walks and bike rides. I'm anxious for warmer weather. My neighbors are so great and it's fun to be out seeing them again. The kids are doing well. Ashley is in soccer and she does a great job. I worry sometimes that I'm raising a pessimist, but we're working on it. I'm hoping it's just that she's 5 and it's how all 5 year old girls are. We talk a lot about repeating mantras in her head, like "I'm great" and "everyone likes me." She spends too much time thinking of how awful she is and that no one likes her. It kind of drives me crazy. Any advice? Katelyn is doing well. She is learning so much. I'm teaching her to read and she does a great job writing. She loves to type on the computer and play computer games. She can read small 2-3 letter words and is excited about it. Justin is Justin. So loveable and fun and demanding and relentless. So, we're doing well! It's been SO nice to have the Conley's here. I could go on and on about that. That pretty much sums up April!