Friday, May 9, 2008

Justin got a haircut. Because of the fruit string he got stuck in his hair while napping with it. Oops. So we said goodbye to the long locks and now he has a nice military buzz. I think he can pull it off. It makes his hair look so much blonder too. He HATES getting his haircut so the fruit string stayed in his hair for a few days. He screams. He kept telling me that his hair was already cut. So I didn't have to do it.

Mia is 7 months old now! She can sit well. She still has really large, inquisitive eyes. She wants only me to be holding her now. She screams when I leave her at the Y. But she is SO cute. She babbles and giggles and does all the right things. I started feeding her oatmeal cereal at bedtime. She loves it. And she is sleeping better. Last night she was up only at 11, 4, and 7 for the day. Not bad.

Katelyn loves reading books.


emily said...

your kids are adorable.

what are fruit strings???

jenn and flay said...

I love Justin's haircut. He looks like such a big boy with his buzz. He's starting to lose that toddler look quickly now.