Friday, March 29, 2013


 Mia and I spend a lot of time together. We sure love each other. It's fun to have a buddy with me while I run my errands. She is a great helper to me. We play lots of games like Life, roll and play, and battleship. She holds her own in all of them. Life would be boring without Mia.
 Mia had a field trip to the fire station with her pre-school class. I was lucky enough to get to go with. I love how she is holding her face in this picture. She made sure to tell the fire men that her Grandpa Egbert is a fire man. She felt a special in since she had that connection.

 I just love her freckles and curly hair and smile. She has a strong sense of style and knows what she wants to wear. I have to take her shopping with me for her own clothes. She loves this owl dress she found at costco.
 She is the first one out to play in the snow.
 What she wanted to wear to church one Sunday. 
She bought these bunny ears at Target with her own money. She wore them once. I need to teach her the value of saving money. Although I am still working on getting her to take the college route in the Life game. She refuses, despite my lecturing. She is a darling 5 year old girl. I think you all should know her.

1 comment:

Tom Heath said...

I put my arm around Mia and she pushed it off and said she wasn't my arm rest. I love that about her.