It really is hard to believe that I haven't journaled since the beginning of the month. My life has been really busy. I've loved it. Between the kids activities, homework, school, lots of waiting time at carpool places, and all the yoga teacher training, I have had little time to do anything that I can put off. I have read many yoga philosophy books (definately read Journey into Power and The Heart of Yoga if you're interested), written book reports, observed people doing yoga, practiced teaching yoga to friends and family, and just generally done lots of yoga. Yoga. Yoga. Yoga. My life right now. I'm really hoping to find a job teaching next month when the training is over. Hans and I even dressed up as yogis for an adult Halloween party we went to. Hans looked ridiculous, but he was more in costume. Besides the fake tattoos I put on I pretty much dress like that everyday. Hans had a long haired wig, tattoos, and a really tight yoga shirt. And he brought his mat and showed everyone some sun salutations. Good laughs were shared:)
I also had my neighbor bail out on me on carpool so I've been extremely angry about that, but I've finally come to terms with it. I don't mind the driving anymore, I was just frustrated that she would feel like she could just back out on me without giving me reasons, which makes me think it's that the girls were singing primary songs and her girls probably told her because they are Christians who aren't tolerant of other Christians. It's all I can think of. It certainly couldn't be me!!
Hans had a terrible month at the office. Should I even journal that? He didn't even come close to breaking even. He says it shouldn't happen again, but I felt like he was working and seeing patients, so hopefully next month shows a profit. Some months are beyond great, and then a month like this just evens it out. I have to breathe through that though.
This month has brought lots of crazy weather and the swine flu to our house as well. The week of fall break we were home, then the following week we were home with flu, and then this week here we are with 2 1/2 days off so far from the snow. It really is incredible. It's windy, icy, and freezing. I love a good snowstorm. I'm just hoping Halloween isn't too wintery. We have had a lot of cold soccer games and practices cancelled, but it's been nice to not have to go anywhere.
We also had Mia turn 2. I sure love this baby girl of mine. She is just so darn fun. She says the cutest things. She likes to take her diaper off everytime she pees and wipe her own bum. I get nervous for when I don't catch her and it's filled with poop. Hasn't happened yet, thankfully. She says, "my take off my biaper, wipe bum, so pretty." Anything that is clean is pretty. I think she must have learned that from me:) I still haven't taken her to the doctor because I've been too busy and I feel like it can wait for a few weeks. She is tipping the scales at 20.5 pounds. Not even on the charts. They don't say anything to be about it though. She looks proportional. She loves to color, play legos, hold babies, jump on her new trampoline, climb up on the counter (she pushes a chair over) and fill tupperware with chocolate chips and eat them all, have me hold her (hold you, momma), and giggle with Friday. I love the stage we're in with her, but my heart aches sometimes thinking of her growing up. All of the kids, really. It's strange to be passing through this stage. I didn't even see the transition. I need to stop and appreciate the moments more.
The girls are doing great. Ashley is as sweet as ever and is dying to own her own Book of Mormon (she has to wait until she's 8). She is as smart as you would expect and is enjoying piano lessons. She is so busy with school taking up so much time, but we let her stay up later then everyone else for selfish reasons I my part, really. I just want to be with her. Katelyn has quite the group of friends at school and has already distinguished herself as a leader. She is still way ahead of herself in everything learning, but is content. I love that about her. She sits for hours at the desk doing coloring projects, writing me letters, and doing "homework" she designs for herself. She is by far the best gymnast in her hotshots class this year and loves the 2 days a week. She is moving up to the official team in a month or two, maybe sooner. It's not even close, how much better she is. She landed her backspring, is up to 13 pull-ups, can do a great press-handstand and sticks most cartwheels on the high skinny beam. She is starting her back walkovers on the high skinny beam as well and I'm sure I'm more nervous then she is. She just is so cute. Justin is my demanding 3 year old. I get anxious sometimes when I realize I have a 2 year old AND a 3 year old. It definately makes life exciting. He's so darn cute still. He idolizes his daddy and monopolizes all his time when's home to the point all us girls are jealous and Hans is exhausted. We're working on finding balance. He loves school and still loves to be anywhere but here in our house. "Take me anywhere mom."
So there you go. October has found us happy, beyond busy, but loving our time. Oh and I almost forgot! My friend from college, Erynn, came to visit for a long weekend and we really crammed in the activities. The kids adored her. We hiked to the top of Pikes Peak in 5 hours, which is quite the feat considering the icy snow. Then hitch hiked down the mountain to the car and drove to the yoga studio. The next day we did more yoga and went to lunch and then went with the family to dinner (Red Robin has a great gluten free menu). It was a whirlwind, but so much fun. I love laughing with Erynn. I decided after that visit that I need to laugh more.
My parents also came to visit for Conference weekend and we had a great time walking around Manitou springs, showing off the kids, and also eating out (PF Changs has an even better gluten free menu). I love having people come visit. So come if you're even considering it!
I promise to post pictures of Mia's cute birthday party, the kids carving pumpkins, and the kids and Hans playing in the snow. And of Friday, since I have yet to do that!