I am trying to catch up on my blog, but decided to just post what few pictures I have and call it okay. So in no particular order this is what I have for a very fun summer 2012. We have had the best summer ever. For real. We boated at least once a week, played outside with neighbors, swam, took a trip to St. George, made up dances and gymnastics routines, camped, played, and played some more, and then started school.

Mia has turned into quite the little gymnast. Measuring in at just 20th% for height and 4th% for weight, she may have the best shot at it of the 3 girls. Her coaches love her. She is petite, fearless, and strong. A deadly combo for this sport.
Katelyn is my cook. She loves making dinner when she has the time. Here she is stirring alfredo sauce, her specialty. She loves alfredo, bacon and eggs, tacos, chicken noodle soup, and chicken.
Every Wednesday Wolf Ranch has a concert in the park. There is a face painter there, which is a highlight of the summer for these two kids.
This was the 2nd attempt at gym hair. They are very particular about how Katelyn's hair needs to be for her upcoming meets. With the help of my neighbor we managed to get the best gym hair so far.
This hair stayed in for 2 days. It didn't move. I used 1/4 of a bottle of hairspray.
Ashley has done quite a bit of babysitting for me this summer. She does a fabulous job. Here she is playing "shock" on the trampoline with Justin and Mia.
Here is Katelyn with her coach Brittany. Katelyn has gone through the whole range of emotions with Brittany. She loved her, then hated her, then hated her even more, now likes her again. Coaching little girls at a difficult sport could not be easy. She is practicing her bar routine. She has had to conquer her fears of jumping to high bar. She says it is still scary, but she does it anyway.
Ashley and her friends on the first day of school. She has a great group of friends starting the 5th grade.
I love when Justin drives Mia around on the motorcycle. It is very cute. They have ridden to church like this. Justin likes being the star of summer parties by bringing his motorcycle and taking the other kids for rides.
Gym hair again. This takes 1 1/2 hours and then she sleeps in it. She said she didn't sleep very well.
First day of school! It was fun getting uniforms ready and buying school supplies and meeting teachers.
5th grade.
3rd grade.
1st grade.
Our traditional end of first day of school silly string fight. It's always a hit.
More of the gymnast. Here she is on her way to her mock meet. She loves her fancy leotard, jacket, flip flops, and hair scrunchy.
Mia started pre-school yesterday. It was a long 2 weeks after the older kids started, so she was very ready and very excited. She is just so cute.
She picked out this dress to wear. She also picked leopard striped shoes to wear. She has her hair in her favorite high bun. She wanted to make sure her teacher liked her dress and shoes. She also wanted her teacher to notice that her backpack was the sparkliest of all the backpacks. She is such a girly girl. She wanted her teacher to be blonde, but said that her teacher's silver hair was pretty too. She is pretty funny about appearances. She will only let the dental hygenist that "looks like barbie" clean her teeth. It's ridiculous, but this girl knows what she likes.
She said she liked school. She met friends, played on the tire swing, and ate lunch. She said her teacher read her books too. I think it will be a great year for her. She was tired when she got home. After celebrating her first day with dad at yo yogurt she came home and took a nap. I couldn't believe it.