Thanks to Melanie we enjoyed this beautiful place out in Monument for an Easter Egg hunt and activities the Saturday before Easter. The kids had a blast despite the freezing cold weather and snow. They staggered the egg hunts based on ages. I got to go with Justin and Mia. They were so so excited. I love their enthusiasm.
Here are the big kids getting ready to go. Ashley, Sienna, Elizabeth, Anna, and Katelyn. I'm so grateful to have Morrills and Conleys living close to us. A little piece of my heart dies as we get closer to July when Conleys are moving. Ugh.
Here we are. This place is so beautiful. I want to move into the black forest some day. I had already washed and put away all the winter gear so we had to be creative with what we wore to the hunt:) I keep forgetting that the snow stuff can't really be washed and put away until June. In fact, it's snowing right now outside!
Here we are inside the barn where they had free lunch and a ton of activities for kids. The highlight activity was where they all won stuffed animal octopuses (octopi?) that had a baby octopus inside it's belly. At this stage I was still pregnant so the kids thought it was SO cool, but it also inspired a lot of questions about how my baby was going to come out of my tummy.
For Family Home Evening, which is now Tuesday nights thanks to a long gym practice for Kate on Mondays we dyed our eggs, had an Easter FHE where they searched for hidden eggs that shared the account of Jesus' last week before the Resurrection. I'm so grateful for the knowledge of the Gospel that I've been blessed with. I love that I can testify to my kids that Jesus lives and that we can be together as a family forever since we've been sealed. I love the hope the Resurrection offers. My kids got it this year and I'm so grateful for that too!
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